How to Be a Wildly Effective Compliance Officer will transform you into an in-demand business asset using the secrets of influence, persuasion and motivation.
This book is a powerful guide for compliance professionals that will teach you all you need to know, including:
The secret of the Four Primary Motivators and how to use them in training so each individual is deeply affected on an emotional level
How to use the Compliance Officer Risk Matrix to determine the best strategy to use in implementing your program
How to utilize top sales and persuasion techniques to embed compliance more effectively
How to immeasurably increase your personal power and knowledge base through networking, speaking, writing and use of social media
“An accomplished compliance professional and true expert in her field, Grant-Hart makes the reader feel they are part of something worthwhile and shrewdly identifies what many businesses are currently lacking from their compliance teams.”
“Kristy has provided us with a hard-to-put-down handbook which, if made compulsory reading for all compliance officers, could change their dull image forever!””
“Kristy Grant-Hart infectiously describes the missing link in the compliance profession — interpersonal skills and influence. If you are or want to be a successful compliance professional — this book is invaluable.”
“Kristy Grant-Hart brings a fresh and inspiring perspective to compliance officers everywhere. Her candor and innovative approach can be easily adopted to improve compliance programs throughout the world. Run, don’t walk, to get yourself a copy and become wildly effective!”
“An enjoyable, useful, and very worthwhile reminder of how to succeed as a compliance officer.”
“I highly recommend Kristy’s new book toe everyone. Kristy’s book provides an important framework within which to achieve success as a compliance officer. Recognizing the importance of communications, persuasion and motivation, Kristy offers guidance on how approach the challenge of working as a compliance officer in a company...Bravo Kristy!!!”