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Learn the Secrets of STRATEGY and Planning to Become an In-Demand Business Asset!

I could not be more excited to be celebrating my second book, the Wildly STRATEGIC Compliance Officer Workbook.   I wrote this book in response to the struggles my clients were having identifying how to handle and prioritize risks and how to create their goals and plans. 

Through expert advice, exercises, quizzes and examples, you’ll finally be able to answer the compliance profession’s most vexing questions, including:

  • Where do I start when designing or updating the compliance program?

  • How do I prioritize when there are so many issues, needs and expectations?

  • How do I get buy-in from the C-Suite, Board and managers for my program?

By the time you’ve completed the Wildly STRATEGIC Compliance Officer Workbook, you’ll have in your hands: 

  • A thorough mapping of the risks facing your business, and a diagram of how to manage those risks within the compliance function and with the other functions of the business.

  • A top-notch, tested Three-Year Plan and Planning Document.

  • An ordered, specific, achievable set of One-Year Goals.

  • Your very own monthly Compliance Dashboard and more!

If you feel like all you do is fight fires and you’re ready to take control of your career, the Wildly STRATEGIC Compliance Officer Workbook is for you!