PODCAST: Being Wildly Effective at the American Banker's Assocation Conference


What an outstanding conference season it's been!  Jo Ann Barefoot (isn't that a great name?) interviewed me for her podcast just after I'd performed the keynote at the American Bankers' Association Compliance Conference.  Over 1000 compliance professionals came to the conference.  In this podcast, you'll find out:

  • How to use the Four Primary Motivators to emotionally reach your audience, and how the Four Primary Motivators were developed
  • How banking and corporate compliance overlap to create an important synergy
  • Why Jo Ann and I both believe that compliance officers are superheroes

To access the podcast, CLICK HERE, then scroll down to the bottom of the page.  Click on the player, and move the curser to 24:30 to hear the start of our 21-minute discussion.  Happy listening!