It's Book Launch and Course Launch Day!!!

Kristy Grant-Hart Book Launch Picture.jpg

I could not be more excited today to be celebrating the launch of my new book, the Wildly STRATEGIC Compliance Officer Workbook, as well as my first online course, the Wildly STRATEGIC Compliance Officer Academy.

I started writing my latest book more than a year ago in response to the struggles my clients were having identifying how to handle and prioritize risks and how to create their goals and plans.  After I finished the initial draft of the book, I decided that the very best way to teach this material would be in an online course where I could show compliance professionals how to go through the workbook, and to provide fill-able templates so that at the end of the course, each person could come away with tangible assets to use with their Board, C-suite and management.

Most excitingly, we decided to offer a certificate for completion of the course, where people can become Certified Pragmatic Compliance Specialists.  Even better - the course is pending for CCEP / CCEP-I credit, so it can double as credit hours for your Certified Corporate Compliance and Ethics Professional certification. 

I truly hope you enjoy the Workbook and Course.  It has been a tremendous labor of love, and it is so exciting to watch it become available to today for the compliance profession.  Thank you so much for being a part of it!!